23 years experience in supporting senior leaders and leadership teams to achieve more, individually and collectively.
Leaders want and deserve an Executive Coach who has extensive experience not just in Executive Coaching, but in enabling worthwhile personal development, and delivering meaningful change.
With 23 years experience in Executive Coaching and Leadership Development, leaders tend to appoint Scott Watson when:-
Preparing for a major project or significant organisational change.
Transitioning them from a specialist leadership role to a general leadership role.
A truly independent, pragmatic, value-focused perspective is required to tackle a pressing problem.
Specific leadership skills and competencies deserve attention to maximise impact.
Developing high-trust, collaborative relationships are needed to boost leadership team effectiveness.
A 360 degree feedback system has identified issues to tackle and improvements to implement.
Attempts to balance professional, personal and health priorities have so far failed to deliver value.
Excitement for a new initiative requires a reality test to reduce risk and enhance opportunities for success.
Facing into a rapidly changing business environment with a fresh, realistic perspective.
Vinh Giang
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